Friday, April 28, 2006
i'm gonna fail math
i'm gonna fail bio
i'm gonna fail geog
i'm gonna fail lit
Freak to make things worse i got put into Richardson Idol's LOGISTIC COMM as their I/C. And i'm required to submit a proposal by next tuesday.
Okay forget all those saddening stuff. Training was fun and good. Yay and dinners with Jermaine and Jananii are like damn fun (:
Posted at 10:21 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Gosh my homework is piling up at an unbelievable speed. ):
School topics are becoming unbelievably hard to understand and I'm having problems keeping awake! Surprisingly I was fully awake during Chinese and Math and even
PHILO today. RS kind of sucked, our research is going no where at all and we ain't making any progress. And then today for RS period we had to sit and watch some sec 4s present their research reports. Goodness their project was a fun one lor. Researching on ice cream and then making your own healthy ice cream. Better than my group's SUDOKU PROJECT. yuck xP
Posted at 10:03 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Taken from Chewmin's blog:
on friday had training while rjc and sajc were having a rugby match. haha it was quite fun to watch. the guys were like bitches fighting for a baall. hahaha they pulled each other's shirts and pants and jumped on top of one another. i saw one guy pull some other guy running's legs and he fell flat. ouch :D such a cool sport.
weiling said something like : do you think that their girlfriends are watching them?
i said: yea, i guess so
weiling: arent they afraid that they'll do that to them?
Posted at 10:09 PM
Page 6 and 7 of Lifestyle (Sunday, 23rd April 06). If you haven't seen/read it, go knock your head. So anyway here's a short summary of her RG/RJ life (taken from :
"In 2005, Shu Fang was diagnosed with tongue cancer Stage 4 and as a result, gave up her place to study Architecture in NUS. She underwent surgery, after which she was treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. During a second operation on her shoulder, it was discovered that Shu Fang was suffering from skin cancer as well. Unfortunately, chemotherapy has not worked and her situation has deteriorated. She has less than a year to live if treatment with a trial drug Iressa, fails. Iressa has shown to kill off some of the cancer cells but results are still inconclusive. The cost of Iressa is S$110.30 per tablet and she requires 2 tablets a day due to her worsening condition, bringing the total medical bill to a hefty S$6000 a month. This is a great financial burden to her family as her mother has had to quit her job to look after Shu Fang. Her father, a taxi driver, too has had to limit his working hours per day to watch over her in case of an emergency. RGS hopes to raise an amount of $36,000 to cover Shu Fang's medical bills & treatment for 6 months."And then I went to see her blog ( and read her posts and tags. It was all so touching it brought me to tears ): Well I really respect her for her fighting spirit. She's not giving up despite having to fight 2 battles. Gosh she was such a great pupil in rgs, she was a PSL, a 1st sergeant in NCC and also the softball capt. Plus she's also pretty! It's a total waste of talent if she doesn't pull through (we know she can and she will). She's smart, sporty, responsible and a good leader. But I'm happy to know that we've raised alot of money for her medical fees (: At least that's one burden off her shoulders yea.
Gaah I really hope she can live on! I've bought the t-shirt to fundraise for Joan and it's totally worth it. And then each class also has to do something to encourage her! Ours is due this Wednesday. I hope it will turn out nice (: So yea,
Posted at 1:54 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
It was totally fun and cool today. Everyone was dressed up as some character from Harry Potter it was way cool okay. THE DEMENTORS LOOKED COOL. I wanted to be a dementor lor. Instead I walked around in some strangling cheongsam with a jacket to protect my modesty matched up with SCHOOL SHOES. Total fashion disaster man. But oh well.
Everyone was all high today and our play was stupid I had absolutely no idea what my lines were and all of us were reading off the visualizer. NG LIHUI HAD TO MAKE SUCH A HARD SCRIPT. Haha but it was still fun. Shijia was going nuts. And Zan looked more Harry Potter than Hermione! Haha almost everyone's costumes were funny! ESPECIALLY NG LIHUI AND TAN JUANMIN'S. Go see the photos later! (:
Training tomorrow! I kinda pigged out today so better do something about it. And here's the URL for the Book Day photos! (Thanks Weite) GO SEE! VERY FUNNY!
Posted at 9:55 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Oh gosh today has been a wonderful day <3 School was actually enjoyable and fun! Yun han and I were crapping non-stop throughout the whole day. And there's hardly any homework this week! Oh the joy (: (: (:
Training was also really fun too even though it was quite slack and hot. And my ankle wasn't being very cooperative either :/ My running was quite screwed up but still enjoyable (: And TEO WEILING and CHLOE LIM were being such morons. Surprise my ass man. Leave me malu-ated for the rest of the day okay! Haha then later went for dinner with Andrea and Weiling. KFC is <3! x)
Thanks to everyone who got/wrote me nice things! Especially the letters, they were all touching and encouraging and stuff. Yep so thanks once again! (:
Posted at 9:34 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Back to the old me! No more unhappiness! No more emo posts! YEA. (:
This week has surprisingly been okay and actually rather fun haha. Like seriously lessons have been much more fun ever since the start of the term when I got put next to WEE YUN HAN. That funny ass gets bullied almost everyday by Long Chuan and me. Haha I'm really sorry dude! x) I'll
TRY to be nicer from now on. HAHA.
Training has been fun too! We were all oh-so-high during training on Monday and Weiling, Irmelia and I were going absolutely NUTS. Haha. NO MORE STRESS FOR ME. Bwahahahaha. (Sorry I'm really high today)
Posted at 8:43 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
I just realised my life kind of revolves entirely around track now. That means I'm neglecting all my hw and school stuff. Which also means I'm gonna have a dozen bookings for late hw/projects or whatsoever before nats. ):
Posted at 11:49 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Posted at 9:26 PM
Dinner with Auntie Cheyn & family and Auntie Janice & family today! (: (: (: First time dining at Marche for me so I didn't exactly get the concept of the restaurant. At least Chloe and Esther were there before so they kind of guided me around the place. And to think I'm about 2-3 years their senior x)
After we got our pizza Kevin came with a gold trophy in his hand okay! He kind of came in first for some sort of golf tournament. That's totally freaky considering he's only P4. He was kind of trying to destroy it though. Then we were all like "DONT DESTROY THE TROPHY". But he still continued -.-
After dinner I was damn bloated can. Then we all went to Esther/Kevin's house. And then we spent the entire time there playing Taiti and eating fish gummies. FIZZY FISH GUMMIES ARE LOVE (: Kevin was making a whole lot of noise in the game but he's damn cute okay! The whole place livens up with him! (:
My mom is planning for us to go on a holiday during June with the other 2 families. BUT I HAVE SOME SORT OF AN INTENSIVE TRAINING THING! Ms Zhang says we absolutely positively cannotcannotcannot go for holidays during June. HOW??? ):
Posted at 12:33 AM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
80mH this saturday and i just realised I'm in an absolutely CRAZY INSANE PSYCHOTIC heat. SPORTS SCHOOL, ST. NICKS, NANYANG, CEDAR, CRESCENT. WTH MAN.
Weiling I think you can forget about me getting into finals okay! I'm like, with INEZ LEONG. She's probably gonna whack everybody's ass on that day and win the gold. ARGHH! >:(
Posted at 7:56 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
X-country nationals today! After school Chewmin and I went to do some weight training then we chiong to turf city. IT WAS PLAIN TOTURE TRYING TO LOOK FOR THR RG AREA OKAY. Bah so anyway rg kind of did okay. Well at least it was better than last year; we had 18th position overall last year. This year we jumped up to 6th! Yay great job runners!
XINQI! Don't be disappointed yea? Like Andrea said, we all have our bad days! I know how you feel cause I felt the same last week too ): But who cares we'll move on okay. And then next year you are so gonna rock the B div (horse) track! (:
Okay that's about all. WELL DONE X-CTRY RUNNERS! <3
Posted at 11:01 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
LOOK XINQI, I AM OFFICIALLY YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN. Yay congrats on your medal in 800m! I totally lost control of myself cheering for you okay!
MELIA! And congrats on your new PB! (: Darn I wish I was there earlier to watch your run ):
Congrats also to
Andrea, Jane and Chloe! I'll be rooting for you guys in your finals! (:
Haha so many congrats to so many people (: Today was a really fun day other than piano in the morning. I SERIOUSLY DO NOT HAVE ANY MUSIC IN MY BLOOD. AT ALL. Unfortunately my mom has never ever realised that. ): Okay so after that I chiong-ed all the way to Bukit Gombak but still missed almost half of the 200m races!!! DARN. At least I didn't miss 800m. (: Xinqi and Leia and Ruixin are all <3. (:
I accompanied Xinqi, Leia and Andrea in their cool-downs. IT WAS THE WACKIEST COOL-DOWN EVER! x) We were like dicussing about the RI C-Div captains and how there were so many of them (Sprints capt, Long-D capt etc) and then we decided to be insane and create our very own captains for rgtnf. We even ended up with Xinqi as the
toilet captain. LOL.
Okay! Cross country this week! GO RUNNERS! (: Haha and check out this cool convo:
FUNNY CONVO ONEMelia: NATIONAL JUNIORS IS A WASTE OF TIME! It's so pointless to compete in this!
Yunhui: It's for the experience.
-Cheryl and Yunhui go hysterical.
Posted at 8:42 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I'm diappointed ): ): ):
Lord, I come to You,
Let my heart be changed, renewed,
Flowing from the grace,
That I found in You
Lord, I've come to know,
The weaknesses I see in me,
Will be stripped away,
By the power of Your love
Posted at 9:51 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
Sports fest was disappointing. ): My 100m was terribly badbadbad and I didn't get even a bronze. ): Well I guess this disappointment is kind of my fault cause I was expecting a better run. Everything went wrong; the start, the middle and the finish. But then later I guess I got more determined and we got 1st for 4x100m relay (: (: (:
I actually learnt alot of stuff today. About people and and what they do.
Track is a selfish sport. And no one can deny that! I learnt that I'm just some over-ambitious idiot who
cannot face pressure. AT ALL. I learnt that I can't actually take defeat very easily. I'm so self-centered. ):
I learnt only today that someone who I treated as a very good buddy for a very long-time, does not in fact treat me the same way. I know I should be happy for her for winning a medal in 100m, but I dont know why I can't. Somehow I feel damn happy for the other two medallists, but not her. I guess it's because of how mean she was to me before the race, and then totally changing her attitude towards me after she won something. This is totally a
conditional friendship lor. And I don't want it. I totally wish I never got to become sec 2. In sec one all these unhappiness were non-existant. ):
I learnt that Jermaine and Irmelia are NOT superficial people. They are muchmuchmuch more than a bunch of crap-along friends. They are actually
true friends.
Yea so here are a few shoutouts:
Melia: Congrats for 100m! (: You did veryveryvery well i'm so proud of you (: And 4x100m turned out better than expected so yay. THE MULTI-RACIAL TEAM ROCKS. <3
Jermaine: I understand how you feel Jermaine so cheer up! We can improve one yea!
Chewmin, Weiling, Jane and Andrea: You guys were really nice so thanks (: And Chewmin let's do better than our shitty runs today! (:
Okay it's nat juniors tmr. I better go get some sleep now.
Posted at 9:28 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
THE WEATHER IS TOTALLY AGAINST ME THESE FEW DAYS.Every other day when I look forward to training, the wonderful sky has to start pouring
JUST before I can actually do anything.
And I don't see how this is gonna help me overcome all 8 hurdles. ):
And I'm actually learning about weather in geog! x)
Posted at 9:45 PM